Taylor is now two and half and has more sass and attitude I've ever seen in a child. She mocks her teachers all day long. "I told you.... (with finger pointing)" "1-2-3 go sit in time out.", her attitude is endless. At times it is funny and at times I feel we are way in over our head with it.
She's still at daycare and loving it. There were a few weeks in December due to the accident and holidays that she had a hard time but she's overcome that obstacle. We are working on potty training full force. She wears panties at school and home. We still chicken out some in public but momma and daddy are working on that. She's done great.
She's discovered the Chick-fa- li play area and asks to go every weekend with Caedyn and Eli.
She's loving being a big sister. Kendall is getting old enough that they can play together... though Taylor needs to work on her sharing. Taylor's stuff is Taylor's and Kendall's stuff is Taylor's. Poor Kendall is just compliant as can be.
Kendall is nine months... just had her doctor's appointment and weighed in at 18 lbs and 28 1/2 inches. Ironically, this is the exact height and weight (off by one ounce) that Taylor was at 9 months. She has been crawling since 6 months. Her recent accomplishment is to stand and let go. She acts like she will walk soon... definitely before she is one year. Though she's pretty fast in her crawling.
She still battles eczema pretty bad. We go in March for a GI appointment to rule out wheat intolerance. I think she'll pass, though I'm not convinced she doesn't have some kind of food intolerance. Ped is saying possible milk/lactose now? Who knows!?
Because we started solids late, we are now having trouble getting her to eat anything other than purees. She gaggs at any kind of texture. Table food is OUT! I tried it one night and she managed she choke down three bites and then refused to eat anything else. The next night, she tried one bite, gagged and puked. Most nights she won't even pick it up. She doesn't like the way it feels in her hand. At daycare, the other kids her age are starting the regular lunch menu that the older kids eat. My goal is to have her there by twelve months so she can move up to the toddler room. But we're working on it.
1 comment:
Your girls are blessed to have each other to grow up with. I hope Kendall can overcome her allergies. Her eating habits sound like Will.
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