Thursday, May 19, 2011

I see a little apple in your future!

Hey all!
This is one of those rare posts that I do! (This is Adam) Some of you might not know this, but the girls and I gave Amy an apple tree for Mother's Day a few years ago. We brought it home, surprised Amy with it, and then planted it. One of the first things that Amy asked is 'Will we get apples?' Well, seeing how i've done just about everything else in my life, I can understand that Amy would think that I would just know the answer. Well, i'm here to tell you, I didn't. So, after much research, I came to the conclusion that, NO we wouldn't be getting any apples from her tree. According to my research, apple trees had to be fertilized by another apple tree. So, alas, no apples. But I told her it was 'Nice to look at though!' I think she 'bought' that.

Fast forward to today. Amy and I and the girls were out in the front yard talking to our absentee neighbor Duane, when all of a sudden, Amy lets out a cry that 'We've got an apple!' So we go over an look, and sure enough, there's a tiny 'fake' little apple. It looks just like an ornament. The first thing I thought was, 'Man, this tree's been get'n busy'. The next thing I thought was, 'Wait, I didn't plant another apple tree'. So I take a look around and try to see if there is another one in a neighbor's yard. I don't see any.

Well, the only conclusion I can come up with is that some other apple tree has been coming over and playing 'footsie' with my apple tree. At first, I didn't like that idea, but after arguing with Amy over who gets to eat the apple, i'm now on the look out for other apple trees to invite over. It's a low point in my illustrious life. I'm now an Apple P.I.M.P.

Shamefully yours,
Adam ($$Big Money$$) Morrison

P.S. This video is different from the previous one!


Carol said...

I love your little apple and the post. Maybe you have a self-polenating tree (Popsey's words, not mine). I just hope no one picks your apple and that it grows up to full maturity. Then you can all share it AND you can harvest its seeds to plant another tree for company (and more apples).

Anonymous said...

As an official apple pimp you should know that you should not have placed your hand beside it for size. You know in the apple pimping world, its all about the show. No one had to know how small it really is. Here's to big, healthy apples and a good apple pimping business.

margaret said...

good luck with the apple tree. it,s a wonderful world and all things are possible. hope for more apples in your future

Unknown said...

Adam your post it too funny and I am glad that you got a Lil Apple forming in your Apple tree.
