Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Best Birthcontrol

I swear the best birth control out there has to be actual exposure to a newborn around the clock for atleast two weeks. After nights of no sleep and endless crying on both mom and baby's part, any sane or insane person would wonder why they did this to themselves.

I walked into the doctor this morning and told my pediatrician I wanted a refund. Could I bring her back?

Kendall will be three weeks tomorrow and as Adam says, she's had a rough life - so far. First she was jaundice and had to see the doctor and get pricked 4 times her first week. Not to mention sleep on a baby tanning bed - minus the burn of course. She caught a nasty cold from her big sis on Day 3. So since then (and still going) we traumatize her with the nose suction bulb several times daily. THen she developed thrush, which has returned and so we are on our second round of meds for. About the time she developed thrush she started with diarrhea and vomiting daily. Her mood went from sleeping and eating all the time to sleeping, eating and screaming. We've switched formula to soy and she seems to do better on it - at times. The doctor seems to think (as of now) that it is reflux. We are on our second medicine for it to see if it'll help and he's checking for blood in her stool (which will rule out a forumula allergy). It's crazy. The worst part is her DAILY middle of the night scream fests that last atleast 2 hours.

Despite all her 'problems', the child hasn't altered her appetite. She came into this world starved and ready to suck. Day 2 at the hospital, we had to give her formula after 8 full hours of crying and discontentment. She hasn't changed a bit. She eats and wants to eat non-stop. She's taking 3 oz of formula every 2 - 3 hours. She's gaining almost a pound a week for the past 2 weeks. She's huge! It's halarious and so unloving that we make fat jokes about our 3 week old. I realize she's really not fat, but it's so different from Taylor. Taylor was so tiny and gained weight so slowly and was always so slow. Kendall is already outgrowing her 3 month old clothes. Ha ha!

Seriously, I joke about all this now but it has been rough these past weeks. Kendall doesn't get all the jokes... adam jokes that I now have to take my sanity in a pill form. Taylor has become aggressive toward Kendall - trying to yank her limbs off, sit on her, push her over, scratch her, etc. Not to mention all the toddler attention getter tactics she's learned - throwing herself onto the floor (pretending she fell) and then fake crying, refusing to go to bed at night, etc.

So we'll take our laughs in any form we can get these days. Even if it is making "This little piggy went to the market, This little piggy had gas" jokes about my baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! Is Taylor panacaking? (go to urbandictionary.com to rate the word). I'm so sorry y'all are having all these problems and that I can't help more. I go to bed at night worried about what kind of night you'll have. It will get better, but until then, and even then, call me if you need me. I love y'all.