Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kendall Bug

Kendall is going on three months. Where has the time gone. She is sooo big. When Taylor was three months, she was so scrawny, barely eating and still wearing 0-3 months loosly. Kendall woofs down her food and can wear 6 month clothes. She's so big.

She's holding her head up pretty well. She seems to enjoy tummy time if she has something to look at. This past week she has started rolling over... front to back and occasionally back to front. When she sleeps, she is all over the place, even rolls over in her sleep... but this wakes her up because she get's stuck.

Kendall's funniest recent accomplishment is the discovery of her hands. She discovered them several weeks ago. You would think they would get old to her and she'd move on to something more exciting. Nope. The child spends most of her waking hours looking at her hand... in complete awe. Laughing at it... and the child doesn't laugh or smile at anyone or anything except her own gas and now her hand. When she gets upset, she'll stick her hand in her sight and immediately stop. It's halarious. We call this 'phenomenon' "Hello Hand." And you have to say it like "Hello Clarice" Ha! She's also discovered her thumb. I've caught her many times sucking her thumb. I'm not sure this is a better option than the paci.



Carol said...

I may be as boring as a hand or as painful as gas, but K has laughed for me. And she loves patty cake--especially the rollem over part. I missed seeing them today. Hope to see y'all at church tomorrow.

Melissa said...

Awww. I need to spend some quality time with Kenda-bug! I can't believe she has tricks now! That first pic in this post looks like Adam!