Monday, September 1, 2008

Proud Mama Moments

There are two new things that Taylor has started this weekend. One is just adorable and the other would make any first mother proud.

1. We were playing in T's room this morning and she went over to her rocking chair, pulled up on it and started rocking it. While rocking it, she was humming 'rock rock, rock rock'. I can remember of only one time that I did that, but she must have picked up on it. She also did it to the rocking ottoman. Then at dinner time she started rocking back and forth in her highchair and humming it again. It was too cute.

2. The proud moment came again at dinner where my little baby is now becoming an independent toddler... officially. She hasn't liked being fed since July, she prefers finger foods. But we've been slowly letting her experiment with silverware but this evening was the first time she fed herself her entire meal. We use a baby fork to put food on and give it to her. When she's finished, she gives it to us to refill. I have a video of it , so you'll have to tune in- as long as I can get it to post.

1 comment:

Keith, Kristin, Ava Grace, and Will said...

Well, it made it to "that website" like Adam said... isn't it fun to watch them grow up and become little people??