Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pure Exhaustion

Exhaustion (n):
1. the total consumption of something
2. weariness

Hello blogging world. I apologize for being negletful for so long but blogging just hasn't been a top priority lately. I've been running ragged lately.

Taylor's birthday party is next week and I'm going to throw a party to celebrate after it's through. It's not that I want it to come and go. It's that since we decided to throw it at our house, I had certain things I wanted to get done around here before hand. Therefore, for the last 3 weekends and the upcoming one as well, Adam and I have been doing projects. Adam's done most of the work. He built Taylor a swing set and did a great job. He and Danny built me a landscaping box for my beds in the front yard. So really... I guess I can't complain because they did the work. But it's like he wasn't home at all and so I never got a break from being a Mommy, which is an exhausting job. Also, inside my head I have a neverending to do list to get ready for the party. Go to Sams, Walmart, make ice cream, get decorations, cake, clean house (which should take up two slots) and on and on and on. Please make it stop!!!!

On top of all that... Taylor was sick this week. Sunday night she woke with a 104* fever. It was quite scary. We ended up stripping her down and putting her in the tub, which she screamed through. It was pitiful. She ended up running a fever for about 3 days, but it didn't get that high again. Doctor said it was just a virus - of course. The worst part of a sick child is lack of sleep. Sunday through Tuesday night, she didn't sleep a bit. Sunday and Monday night I literally was up for 20-30 minutes every single hour. It was worse than when she was a newborn. You can imagine I was pretty much useless at work. Last night she did a little better.

On top of that.... Now that Taylor is feeling better... I should mention she is teething again. Does every child go through teething this much. ha! It feels like she gets one tooth after another. It almost looks like she's getting multiple teeth this time and it's really taking a toll on her. She's been so cranky and irritable. I hope she is done with it by next week for her BIG PARTY!.

On top of that.... I found out Monday, that a co-worker's husband died over the weekend. He was 29 and they have a 6 year old son. Apparently he was an epileptic and had stopped taking his medicines and died of a seizure. It's a very unfortunate event that has taken the breath of our office. But on top of all that, the wife (co-worker) doesn't have any family support and is getting harrassed and bullied by the husbands family. It's a real bad situation and I feel for her. Please keep her in your prayers.

On top of that.... Gas has really killed my budget. How ridiculous! I won't complain about this one since everyone is feeling the pain.

On top of that.... I have my first lab quiz tomorrow. Have I studied... nope. I have a lecture test next week that I have to fit in at some point. I believe it'll be the hardest one yet. It's alot of material and the most difficult to learn. Wish me luck.

On top of that.... Adam has pointed out to me that I have HORRIBLE grammer on here. So I have to apologize. I type as fast as my head thinks and I don't proofread. I actually do have proper grammer when I need to. :-)

On the positive side: Taylor has mastered some new words:
1. mama
2. dada
3. nonononno
5. Amen - this is a new one.
6.hey there - when she feels like it.

She has such a cute, beautiful voice. It's the best sound in the world. I'm sure most moms say that though.

Okay well, I'm blogging off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And as of this afternoon, Taylor says bye-bye, while her mom's mouth fell open since she's never heard Taylor say it. And what's more, Taylor had the wave to go with the words. I'm so glad you got to see this today Amy. Besides, you wouldn't have believed me if I'd told you she said it.

And, I'm so glad you brought up the grammar thing. I'm glad you're not proofing--this way I don't have to worry that you don't know how to spell sometimes. I can now "deterMINE" that you are just in a hurry. :)