Friday, August 27, 2010

Kendall's news

It's been an exciting time for Kendall. Last week she switched into the toddler class. I was worried for her b/c they moved her without any warning and she had been sick over the weekend. She did FABULOUS. She walked in and never look back. She loves her teachers and the room. I have been so pleased. She sleeps on a nap mat like an angel.

If you are around Kendall, you've probably seen her eyes do funky things. We saw an opthalmolgist in January, who said all was well. Her eyes were crossed due to a 'wide nose bridge' and that she would grow out of it. Well they seemed to get worse and we could tell her eyes weren't focusing on things. So today we met with a different opthalmologist, who was absolutely fabulous. He immediately said her eyes were crossing. She also has some vertical misalignment when looking to the left. And if you've ever seen her do that cute head tilt to the left to look at you or something... it wasn't just an expression (so we thought), it was due to her vision. So the doctor has prescribed glasses. We are going to try those for a month or two. He thinks/hopes that this will correct it. But their is a chance that she may need eye surgery. He did say that her vision isn't too bad, but she has a 'muscle imbalance'. We should know by 1-2 months of her wearing glasses whether or not she'll need to have surgery. So please keep us in your prayers during this new adventure. I'm not sure how you keep glasses on a 15 month old. I was able to spend time with a mother while at the doctor and she made me feel better about the entire situation. Apparently, once they realize the difference, they will want to wear the glasses. They will see the world in a completely different way. I'm actually excited about it. We have joked about Kendall being fearless. She's a HUGE climber and will completely walk off of tables, chairs, couch, etc. But this condition causes the child to have little or no depth perception. So she just doesn't know better. It'll be interesting to see how she reacts to her new world. Again, God is Good! We all suspected there was something going on. It feels good to have answers and a plan.

1 comment:

Keith, Kristin, Ava Grace, and Will said...

That's GREAT that the doctors were able to find the issue and a way to resolve it! I'm praying that Kendall will adjust to her new glasses and keep them on!! She'll look adorable!