Friday, September 24, 2010

Crash, Bang - Bang

As most have heard, Monday August 30, Kendall and I were in a 'little' bump in on Insterstate 20. Well maybe alittle more than .. little... but it could have been so much worse.

We were on our way home from a doctor's appointment. We were near between mile marker 58 and 57. There was a vehicle pulled off the road to the left. He decided to pull back on the the highway. At the same time he did this, tire tread goes flying across both lanes. There were two cars in front of me that basically had to come to a crawl to allow the pulled off vehicle back onto the highway. I was concentrating so hard not to hit the tread and slow down. I was breathing a sigh of relief (thought I was in the clear) when CRASH, the girl behind me slammed into the back of me.

We were okay. Kendall acted like she wasn't sure what hit her, never cried or whimpered. I immediataly had pain in my upper back and neck. I am not sure how fast she was going but could guess atleast 50mph or so. The girl that hit me had had cuts and bruises. Her car was absolutely totalled. We learned later that her car went completely under mine. Since where the accident happened was unsafe, I moved my car away from the scene at the officers request. My mom showed up on the scene. The three of us are sitting in the car (me, Kendall, mom) when I started losing gas and then the car cuts off and won't re-crank. It looked like I had run out of gas but I knew I had plent of gas prior to the accident. It turned pretty chaotic. Mom ended up taking Kendall to the house when my dad showed up. We were visitied by fire, ambulance, police, and DOT. We ended up leaving the car to be towed and headed home.

When Adam arrived back at the house, he turned around to go meet the tow truck at the car. He calls and says the car is missing. At this point, we were laughing to keep from crying. Literally, he says ' the car is gone'. I'm screaming, who would take a wrecked car... it won't even crank!!!" Turns out the tow truck beat him there and took it... however they took it to the wrong destination. It was all insane. It got taken care of eventually but was just chaotic.

My car has been fixed. The damage was basically invisible but still present. The bumper was curled underneath. Most of the damage was to the exhaust system/muffler since she went under me (hence why my car wouldn't start). They had to replace the entire system.

We've been working through Travelers and they have been very good to us. I'm having to see a chiropractor and am really hoping that he can cure my ailments sooner than later. We were very lucky that day. The accident could have been worse for all of us. God was steering those vehicles.

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