Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh Happy Days!

It's been a while since I've blogged and so much has happened since then. Kendall is 8 weeks and she is such a big girl. She had her 2 month well visit and she weighed in at 11.6 lbs (75%) and she's 23 1/4 inches (75%). She did pretty well with her shots. We'll see how she is tomorrow. She is in daycare and has done very well. Three weeks ago, I was pulling my hair out because of her. Since then we've changed her formula (yes, again),and upped her prevacid. The formula change seemed to be a major turning point. He put her on the Enfamil AR. She's doing great on it. My only complaint is that the formula is really thick and we had a hard time getting it to come out of any nipple we owned. So I read up on it on and saw some moms blending it. I have this 'magic wand' gadget that I got as a wedding present and never used. It's now getting tons of use. It's easy, great and works like a charm.

Taylor is back at daycare as well and loves it. She's so glad to be back with 'Sasson' (Addison). She is starting to go to the potty some and has done really well. She usually tells us when she wants to go and she goes. She's pooped several times. She's been in the car and able to hold it. And she occasionally stays dry during nap to wake up to say I gotta pee pee. I'm sure it's just a phase but we're so proud of her. She's also starting singing. This week is the first time that I've noticed her acutally singing words. It's so precious. The two songs I've heard her sing are "Amazing Grace" and "This Little Light of Mine." She's so smart, she blows my mind. Now that I'm not pregnant, we are trying to be more consistent with her discipline. She doesn't listen very well. Maybe it's the two's but part of it is her getting away with so much in the past. But sometimes you can't help but smile at toddlers. TOnight she purposefully dump a cup of water on the carpet and started stomping in it. I got on to her and tried to explain that she's making a mess and messes aren't nice. The next thing I know, she laid down on the floor and kissed it. I guess because when she hits or is mean we tell her to be nice and to say sorry - so she kisses as her apologies. It was so cute.

Adam and the rest of the world learned this week that come April BCBS will lose thousands of jobs. For those of you who dont' know, this is Adam's department that is being affected. He works in the IS dept for the PGBA or tricare department. The lost their biggest three contracts. Therefore basically won't have much work to do come April 2010. Yes, we are a little nervous about this. But we have been reassured that BCBS takes care of there employees. I think it helps that BCBS invested in Adam's training through the ELTP program. They are continuing to have that program so it doesn't seem that they are slowing down there recruiting at all. Keep us in your prayers as a job loss would be devasting but right now feel comfortable that he'll be okay.

Speaking of work, I returned to my position at JMA. I was nervous but like the kids, transitioned well. It's amazing how if you do a job so long how you will never forget a step. I went in and hit the ground running... haven't missed a beat, even though I was out for 4 months. Everyone seemed glad to have me back and it's good to be back. It's good to see a paycheck. :-)

I've spent the last month working on my birth control plan. I opted to get an IUD. It's been a crazy story. The first wasn't put in correctly, so I had to have it removed. The second one seems to be working fine - I think. I'm going to give it some time. I've gone though alot of trouble to get it and it's the best option for me at the time, so I hope it works out.

It seems the stress of being a twofer mommy and being back at work has started to get to me. I noticed yesterday that I have broken out in a 'rash' on my legs and arms. I haven't noticed it anywhere else. I hope it's stress but also when I saw it today I thought of lupus. I looked it up and unfortunatly have other symptoms of lupus. I've been complaining for 2 weeks of joint pain - my right ankle, right hip, left wrist.) I'm being treated for fatigue, anemia, hypothyroidism, etc) All which are signs - even though they can be related to having a baby as well. I don't know. I'm going to watch it and see what happens.

Not much is new with us. I don't have many pictures to post but will have to get some up soon.

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