Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Dog -gone" day's of summer

Well our dogs have temporarily found a new home. We've been looking for someone to take them but was unsuccessful. Luckily, Adam's parents have agreed to take them to see how they do. They aren't promising forever, but we can hope. So they got loaded up this morning and shipped to Gilbert. Apparently they did okay. Mia who is a Coli mix starting herding the goats. (his parents have three goats). She seemed to have a ball running circles around them. It's probably what she's wanted to do her whole life. Bella checked out the place first and then started chasing the momma goat. Apparently Bella got stuck in some twigs, and the goat took the opportunity to ram Bella. She stopped messing with them after that. Ha!

I think they'll be happy out there. They will have alot more space, more shade, more company (goats). We had gotten where we would just feed them and that is it. We didn't spend anytime with them. They have torn our backyard up because it's so hot. We are looking forward to growing grass and actually being able to play in the backyard with the girls.

Even though I didn't spend much time with them, I think I already miss them. I catch myself looking out the back door or window and when I don't see them have this wave of panic that they got out. Then I remember. I'm sure it's just habit.

Keep your fingers cross that they do okay in Gilbert.... or they'll get shipped back to us.

Next to find a new home.... Patches. Anyone want a cat??

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