1.Adam has joined the blogging world. See following post. I thought it was very well done and was quite a surprise for me to read when I logged on just now.
2. Taylor has become a Tylenol/Motrin junkie and hates her pediatrician - but can you blame her as much as we see him. We had another visit to the doctor today to have her checked out. She cries as soon as he hears his voice. It's actually pretty sad. She's been running fever off and on all week and has this terrible cough. Luckily, all tests were normal and doctor believes she just has the 'crud.' Hopefully we can keep it that way (and it not get worse or go to ears). But she loves her Tylenol and if she see's the bottle will drop her passe and hang her mouth open - even when she's not needing it.
3. As most know, I've been out of work all week but will return tomorrow with new work orders. Per doctors orders, I must stay off my feet as much as possible, which intails different work orders, or I'll be put on bedrest. I am still heading towards bedrest but hopefully staying off feet at work and some at home will prolong it. Luckily, my work is willing to work with me to keep me sedentary. I go back tomorrow and we'll see how this works.
4.As as most are dying to know or already do.... we found out the sex of Baby M today. Well..... IT"S A GIRL! Who would have thought. I was sure it was a boy and most people I've talked to voted boy. But this morning as I was laying in bed my half stranger neighbor sent me a text message saying she thought it was a girl. Apparently, she had a dream last night about Adam and me and we had two little girls in it. Also, Lisa called me right before my appt to say she thought the same. These were the only two people who said they thought it was a girl and they waited until today to tell us. Adam thought all along it was a girl. He was a bit disappointed as he's so excited to carry on his Morrison gene and name but I think he is and will continue to come around. I'm excited but think I would have been excited either way. We got some good pics of the baby.... and she looks very different from Taylor - as far as I can tell right now. However, I think she will look more like Adam. She weighed 14 oz, which ironically is what Taylor weighed at her first ultrasound, which was at 21 weeks as well.
It's been an extremely exhausting day and week. Glad tomorrow is Friday. Blogging off for now.
Yeah Baby M. Tata told me today secretly that she was hoping it was a sister. She was very excited to hear the news.
Taylor will love having a baby sister to play with - I think it's wonderful news. Of course, a boy would have been great, too! Take care and tell her to sit back, relax and cool her heals on getting here.
I am so excited about another girl. Heck, we'd love it if it was a monkey. Poor little Eli doesn't have a chance. But he already seems to like the girls, anyway. I think he can handle another one. Remember, I told you too that it was probably a girl just because you and your daddy thought it was a boy. It's the same thing I went thru w/you--I even painted your room blue because I knew you were a boy. Back then we didn't find out 'til delivery. Every pregnancy really is different. And every child will be different too. Can't wait to meet Eva (Daddy's still trying to get an Eva.)
I love y'all.
Congratulations! That is exciting! Just think- they'll be best friends and have each other. Have you picked a name yet?
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