We started out by going to church for probably the second time this year. We've been very lazy about church. Between T being sick and me being pregnant, it just hasn't been a priority and yes I have discussed this with God. He understands. But we went today, though it turned out to be a choir production, that we weren't too impressed with.
Since we go to the 9:00 service, we thought that it would be perfect to go to the park after church and before the afternoon crowd arrived. So we went home changed and headed back out. Unfortunately the playground equipment was wet and she didn't get to play on the swing or slides, but had a ball running around anyways.
She loved the waterfalls and staring up at the trees.
She played/ran so hard that when it was time to go, Adam had to carry her to the car. She was give out.
After the park, we got lunch and headed home for naps. This weekend, Taylor made her official (I hope) transition to her big girl bed. Until Friday, she really hadn't slept much in her bed. But CiCi was over and put her down for a nap in it. That night Adam on a whim decided to put her in her big girl bed. Surprisingly, she stayed and slept great. Since then every night and every nap, we put her there and she has seem to do very well. She doesn't know she can get down from her bed (or know how) so when she wakes up she just stays in her bed. This morning I found her sitting on the edge of the bed calling us.
Anyways, back to today. This afternoon, Adam managed to change the furniture around in our master bedroom while I directed. If you've seen our room... that's not an easy task. I should also mention that this weekend we basically finished up the nursery. There are still some odd and ends to do/buy but it's much more baby ready.
This evening, Adam decided to wire/re-wire satellite to our master bedroom. This required him climbing around in the attic and us pulling strings (literally). After loud yelling, string pulling, Taylor screaming (she's suppose to be sleeping but how could she with the noise), I hear a big bang! I get up and arrive in my hall to find a large chunk of our ceiling all over the floor. Yup, that's right. The drama never ends in the Morrison household. It could have been worse... Adam said he was real close to coming through the entire ceiling. Luckily it was just his leg. Damn legs! He's got some major scratches and will probably have some bruises tomorrow but atleast he has his legs. His dad is coming by tomorrow to fix it. I'd love to see how they do that. All that and still no satellite for the bedroom.
Adam reminds me that this is his new motto in life (thanks to my parents birthday card) I'm starting to think it fits.
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, 'WOW . . . What a ride!' "
This picture is after he 'patched' up the ceiling. I didn't get pics of the actual hole because I was still fuming. It wasn't until I saw the yard stick tacked up to my ceiling that I found the humor in the situation.
So with all that said, I think I'll turn in for the night. What a day!