1. Taylor got her tubes placed on Feb 11th. We were really anxious about the procedure but she needed them so badly. Everything went well. She looked so cute in her little hospital gown and she didn't even cry when she went away with the nurse. Like we had been warned, coming off the anesthesia was the worst part but by that afternoon she was good as new. Check out our pics below
She has done real well since her procedure. We've noticed a huge difference in her speech. She talks so much more and more clearly. We actually know what she is saying now.
2. Baby #2 is doing well. I had another ultrasound done mid-Feb and she weighed in at 2.5lbs which is the 62% percentile. So she's already bigger than Taylor was at this point. It must be all the sweets... I should cut back. After many long conversations and soul searching, Adam and I have FINALLY agreed/decided on her name. There's a long story about her name and alot was considered but we are both comfortable in saying that she will be Kendall Sevage Morrison. Sevage for those of you who don't know, is Adam's middle name that he wanted to pass on. We had thought this baby would be a boy and that Sevage would fit just fine. But with her being a girl, we decided to still give her middle name Sevage. We are making progress on her room. We had some hold up with the carpet, but I think that is resolved. The room is now painted and we are getting ready to place border. It looks really good but it alot of purple. We are now looking for green and pink decorations. I'll have to take pictures of it to put on here.
3. Adam is still loving his job at BCBS. We are proud to announce that he received his first promotion this month. We are very grateful especially since it came earlier than we were expected. Job well done, hubby.
4. I am doing well however, at my doctor visit on Friday, he pulled me out of work. Baby and I are okay - no dilation, etc. However, I was contracting too much for comfort, especially at work. The contractions I have this pregnancy are much more uncomfortable and painful and persistant. However, as long as I take it easy, they stay to a minimum. I already take medicine tabs to help control them and so hopefully modified bedrest will allow us to stay on this treatment track. The next step would be a pump but the doctor says he didn't think I was ready for that. I agree.
I also passed my diabetic test. YEAA!!! If you remember, with Taylor I failed the one at the doctor's office and was unable to complete the 3 hour test at the hospital due to being so sick. So they presumed I had gestational diabetes. I was so relieved to pass that test.
Well I think that is an update on everyone in the family. I know I've missed out some things but my Sonic milkshake and fries are here. Gotta go!
That's it...priorities. I'd love a milkshake right now. I'm glad Kendall's name is decided upon and out in the open. Now I can quit calling her Baby M. Cute pics of T.
We have a friend with a child named Kendall. I like the name. Good decision on the middle name too. Keep taking care of yourself.
Kendall is the name of Erica Kanes daughter on 'All My Children'. Very spirited, beautiful,lots of curly hair, and in line to be next Erica.
I know you are happy to be staying home, but plan to do some resting - work at home can be tougher than work sometimes - just ask Lisa.
Ha ha Amy you do know i work at sonic i will hook you up with a free shake sometime just text me when u get close i only work on the weekend though. We need to have one of our chats again about college it really helped me deciding what i want to do and i know last time was kinda rushed, but this one needs to be long and cover all the subjects if that would be alright with you,
Sincerely Your little Bro in law, Daniel
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