Saturday, March 14, 2009

Afternoon at Nana's

Since my last two posts have been so dreadfully dramatic, I thought I would add a more positive post. The pictures below are from our afternoon at Nana's last Monday. We had such a great time and enjoyed hamburgers. It took Taylor a minute to remember who Nana and Pa Allen were (they have been gone a long time) but after she warmed up she had a ball. Her favorite was running around in the yard. I discovered that she doesn't like to get dirty (we'll have to change that). Everytime she fell down she would arch her back, hold her hands up and whine until someone came to pick her up. She refused to put her hands on the ground to help herself up. It was the funniest thing I've seen her do. Thanks Nana and Pa Allen for a great afternoon, we are so glad your home... even if it's for a little while.

Nana and Taylor

Lessons from "Pa Allen"

"Help I've fallen and can't get up"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pics of Nana/Pa Allen/T are so cute.She looks like she's taking in every word Pa A is saying. And the portrait is the most gorgeous I've even seen. Did you happen to order one for me? It's like a water color that would be in a gallery.