Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Friday!

I love Fridays! I now have a whole new reason to love them. My workplace has now gone to letting the staff have every other Friday off. Our office is still open on Fridays, we just rotate who works. So today was my Friday off. How exciting. It was hard to decide what to do with this time off. Do I send Taylor to daycare and get some things done or do I spend time with her? Well... I actually did both and had a really good day.

I spent the morning at home..... alone, which I know most mothers don't get a chance to do. But I accomplished so much. Not to mention, I really needed some very alone time. Even the cat knew to leave me alone! :-) I did end up answering the phone about 25 times but that is what it took to plan my afternoon.

I picked Taylor up from daycare in time for the book mobile. This was our first time and it was pretty fun. I was surprised but Taylor seemed interested in the whole idea. We picked out a couple of books and she held on to her library card the entire time. I had to pry it away from her to check out. It was a kodak moment. After the book mobile, we went swimming with some of my cousins and my sister and all their kids. This was her second time swimming but didn't seem real thrilled about it. I think she was just hungry and tired. She usually loves the water (bath and swimming) but just wasn't into it today.

The biggest accomplishment today was Taylor's rescheduled baptism...again. This is the third time we've scheduled this. Once due to illness and second due to family conflict. Who knew it would be such an ordeal to have the child baptized. But it's all worked out now and the date is set for August 24.

I also found out today the culprit for Taylor's Hand Foot Mouth Disease. It's been baffling because its such a contagious disease and I was puzzled where she got it from. But apparently, a friend of the family's child was in town the week before Taylor got it and he had it the week before. They had seen each other at the library. So the mystery is solved. I've also heard (rumor, which I won't name names) that this friend who lives out of town might be moving back to town. I am excited about this. I hardly get to see her and now that we both have kids close in age it will be nice to get together.

Well I'm b'logging' off for now. It's been a busy day and I'm tired. Until next time....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I like your sign off! I wish I would have thought of it - very clever!